The project Making space for artistry – equity for disabled artists and artists who are Sign Language users includes artistic work in artist residencies and exhibitions. We create space for the peer support and discussion of artists by organising artists’ meetings. We organise workshops for artists, for example on how to make a portfolio and apply grants. We also do advocacy work in the art field. We collaborate with artist and the gatekeepers of the art field, like funders, curators, art critics and the organisers of art education.
The aim of the project is to strengthen the professional opportunities and equity of disabled artists and artists who are Sign Language users in the art field.
Making space for artistry is coordinated by Culture for All Service. The project is funded by Kone Foundation. The project partners are Cultural Association Finland’s EUCREA, which is the association of disabled artists, Aine Art Museum, The Finnish Critics’ Association (SARV in Finnish), The Association of Finnish Foundations and The Degree Programme in Theatre Arts (NÄTY) at the University of Tampere.
The project started in spring 2022 and it will end in spring 2024.