Workshop: How to make a portfolio? 29.10.2022
Time: Saturday 29.10. from 12:00 to 16:00
Place: The office of Culture for All Service, Helsinki and Zoom
A warm welcome to our workshop aimed at artists! The workshop is organized in the frame of the project Making space for artistry – equity for disabled artists and artists who are Sign Language users. It is organized by Culture for All and the disabled artists’ association Cultural Association Finland’s Eucrea. In the workshop, you will get guidance, ideas and sparring on how to build your portfolio. The purpose of a portfolio is to present your interests, skills and possible work samples in an interesting way. With the help of a portfolio, you can present yourself and your work using sound, text or images, for example as part of a grant application or in the frame of an audition.
In the workshop we will cover the following topics: what are the different uses for portfolios, what can a portfolio consist of, what are the different forms of a portfolio, and which tools are there for creating a portfolio. In addition, we will get to know good examples of portfolios. If you want to present an example that you like, you can send it in advance to the workshop facilitator Jemina Lindholm to
This workshop is aimed at disabled artists and artists who are Sign Language users, but all artists are welcome. You don’t need to have material ready for your portfolio and also beginners can participate in the workshop. Artists from all art fields are welcome. You can bring your own computer and/or materials, if you like. You can participate on site or remotely on Zoom. Small snacks, coffee and tea are available for participants. Our office also has a microwave for heating food.
Jemina Inkeri Lindholm (pronouns in English they/she and in Swedish hen/hon) is a museum worker, art and community pedagogue, producer and visual artist born in Loimaa, currently living and working in Helsinki. Lindholm has worked for several years in the fields of community outreach in museums, event production, project coordination and communication in artist organizations and cultural institutions. They have gained experience in various portfolios through their own artistic activities and in Muu ry’s member and exhibition selection committees. Their main interests are the intersections of contemporary art, architecture, sickness and disability theory.
Please register by sending an e-mail to our project coordinator Johanna Mattila to by Wednesday 26th October. Please let us know if you will come on site or participate via Zoom. When registering, please also tell us about the need for Sign Language interpretation (Finnish Sign Language). Max. 15 participants can come to the office.
Culture for All’s office is located at the Cable Factory in Ruoholahti, Helsinki. Address: Tallberginkatu 1 D, 5th floor. You can get to staircase D from the courtyard. The door is immediately in the elevator lobby on the 5th floor, to the left of the elevator and stairs. The Zoom link will be sent to the participants later.
The office is accessible, except that there is no accessible toilet. However, there are several accessible toilets at the Cable Factory. More information about the accessibility of the office on the website of Culture for All. An induction loop is used in the workshop. We arrange Sign Language interpretation for the workshop if necessary. Please let us know when registering by 26th October if you need Sign Language interpretation (Finnish Sign Language). We will take breaks in the workshop. We will follow the principles of the safer space of the Culture for All. Get to know the principles of a safer space on the pages of the Culture for All. Please don’t come to the workshop if you are sick.
Upcoming workshops
This is the first workshop for artists organized by the Making space for artistry -project. More workshops are coming, for example on applying for a grant. Making space for artistry – equity for disabled artists and artists who are Sign Language users is a project funded by the Kone Foundation in 2022-2024.
More information
For more information, please contact Johanna Mattila,, tel. 044 046 9548.