Is the World Ready? Writings on Art and Disability

The project “Making Space for Artistry,” funded by the Kone Foundation, is coming to an end. Within this project, a publication titled “Is the World Ready? Writings on Art and Disability” has been completed. 21 disabled artists and artists who are Sign Language users, as well as one artist group, share their perspectives on the subject.

The publication has been printed in an edition of one hundred copies and is also available as an e-book (PDF, HTML). 13 of the articles are available in Finnish, two in English and two in Swedish. One article is based on an interview in Finnish Sign Language, which you can watch on the project’s website.

Read the articles in English:

Naakai Addy: Embracing Life’s Layers through Collage

Aidan Moesby: Disability Curating – Caring and Being Cared For

Read the whole book:

Julkaisu: Onko maailma valmis? – Kirjoituksia taiteesta ja vammaisuudesta – Tilaa taiteilijuuteen

Is the World Ready? Writings on Art and Disability