Group exhibition

Making space for artistry – equity for disabled artists and artists who are Sign Language users

14th April – 21st May 2023 Aine Art Museum

Making space for artistry logo.

The group exhibition Making space for artistry brings together the artists and artist duos who worked in residency in Tornio and Haparanda in 2022: Sofia Karinen, Aino Laiho & Olga Green, Kari Toiviainen and Maarit Hedman & Anu Haapanen.

In the exhibition the works created during the artists’ residencies are for the first time jointly presented at the Aine Art Museum. The exhibition, which includes works with different techniques, deals with for example the ambiance of the place in the Torne Valley, on the border of Finland and Sweden, and a space where it is not always easy to get the artist’s own voice across.

In the project Making space for artistry the aim is to find creative and experimental solutions to enable working in an artist residency for disabled artists and artists who are Sign Language users. The participating artists were selected through an open call. The project’s residencies in 2022 have been produced by Culture for All, Aine Art Museum and the cities of Tornio and Haaparanda.


The opening of the exhibition will be on Thursday 13th of April at 14 (Finland’s time). Warm welcome!

Video guiding

You can get to know the exhibition on the video:

The video is in Finnish, captioned and it includes some audio describing of the art works.

Text on the video: Anu Pasanen
Reader: Virpi Kanniainen
Filming and editing: Jari Hannuniemi
Production: Aine Art Museum

Information about the project

Making space for artistry – equity for disabled artists and artists who are Sign Language users is an extensive two-year project carried out by Culture for All and funded by the Kone Foundation. The aim is to strengthen the professional opportunities and equity of disabled artists in the field of art.

Other partners of the project are the disabled artists’ association the Cultural Association Finland’s EUCREA, The Finnish Critics’ Association, Association of Finnish Foundations and the University of Tampere’s Degree Programme in Theatre Arts (Näty).


Aine Art Museum logo.  Culture for All Service's logo. Kone Foundation's logo.

Tornio city's logo. Haaparanda city logo. Biblioteken i Norrbotten - Haparanda -logo.