A warm welcome to the discussion On Art and Critique on 9th September at the art festival Cross over
A warm welcome to meet the artists who performed at the art festival Cross over and to discuss performances, making art and art criticism.
What thoughts and feelings did the performances you just experienced at the festival evoke?
In addition, we will discuss the themes of the works and how the works were created. What do the festival’s performances say about disability, society or the world?
Also, what kind of feedback do artists usually get about their work and from whom? What kind of feedback brings the work forward? What significance could a critique written by a professional critic have for artists? What should critics be aware of when writing about works of art that incorporate a perspective on disability or are created by a disabled artist?
The discussion will be held on Saturday 9th September at 5 pm until 6 pm. It is organized as part of the art festival Cross over in Central Library Oodi, Maijansali (Töölönlahdenkatu 4, Helsinki). The conversation will be in Finnish.
Participating in the conversation will be music journalist Wilhelm Kvist and the festival’s artists: Kari Torvinen from Free elecric blues band, rap artist Raiden a.k.a Arttu Rantanen, writer Hannele Cantell and Iiris Brocke from the Tarukki ensemble. The discussion will be led by critic and poet Sanni Purhonen. The audience is also welcome to share first impressions, to comment and ask the artists questions.
More information on the art festival Cross Over and the festival’s artists: the festival’s Facebook page
More information about the panelists:
Wilhelm Kvist has worked as the music editor of Hufvudstadsbladet. He was awarded the Topelius prize by Finnish-Swedish journalists for bold and sharp writing. He is currently preparing a dissertation for the University of Helsinki on the program policy of symphony orchestras particularly from an equality perspective.
Sanni Purhonen is a critic, poet, creative writing teacher and disability activist. She has written literary and film criticism for example for Nuori Voima, Tukilinja, Kiiltomato, Voima and Kulttuurivihkot and taught courses on disability and art criticism.
The artists participating in the discussion will be introduced on the festival’s social media channels.
Oodi’s Maijansali is accessible. The discussion will be interpreted to Finnish Sign Language. In Maijansali, the IR system is in use for hearing aid users during the festival. More information about the accessibility of Central Library Oodi: https://oodihelsinki.fi/en/accessibility/
The discussion is part of the course on disability and arts aimed at critics. The course was organized as a cooperation of Culture for All’s and the Cultural Association EUCREA’s Making space for artistry -project and the Finnish Critic’s Association SARV’s ”Shine on Critique!” -project.

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