The recording of the panel discussion “Art and Disability Activism” is now available with Finnish subtitles
The recording of the panel discussion “Art and Disability Activism” is now available on our YouTube channel with Finnish subtitles! On the video there’s also Finnish Sign Language interpretation.
The panel discussion took place on Saturday, June 4th, 2022, at the Cross Over Festival, in the Restaurant Club of the Helsinki Music Center. The panel discussion addressed the relation between art and disability activism. How can disability activism be visible in art? Can one make a difference through the means of art? How do the roles and identities of an artist and an activist connect?
Panelists: artists Julianna Brandt, Sami Helle, Isa Hukka and Mika Leminen (MC Cepari).
Moderator: art historian, curator and producer Marianne Savallampi.
The panel discussion was organized with the support of the Kone Foundation and was organized in cooperation with the University of Helsinki’s Disability Activism research project and Culture for All’s project Making space for artistry – equality for disabled artists and artists who are Sign Language users. The CrossOver art festival is organized by the Cultural Association Finland’s Eucrea.
Still image: Jarno Mattila